
Essential Points You Need to Know While Selecting Best Merchandising Company

Promotional merchandising, very simply put, is all about shoring up your corporate identity by branding products with your logo or slogan and their distribution at little or no cost. They say it right when they say that promotional merchandising is more than just another branding tool. It’s a lead generator. There are way too many avenues for businesses to bolster outreach with the help of promotional products. You can incorporate your promotional items in your sales pitch, use them as a referral sales pitch or even add digital rewards that direct users to a landing page so that you can store all their data.  Promotional merchandise companies are typically involved in carrying out a range of tasks associated with branding: Conceptualizing designs Executing them Sourcing the merchandising products Manufacturing Packaging Delivery Brands and Promotional Merchandising As far as advertising is concerned, promotional merchandising is definitely the way forward. Multiple...

Choose The Right Promotional Merchandising Company For Your Business

Promotional merchandising has emerged as one of the driving forces steering brand visibility today. Talk about instant recognition or for that matter, an enduring corporate identity – promotional merchandising – if done right – turns out to be the right investment for you. And, this is exactly where Pramara steps in with all its proficiency.  Headquartered in Mumbai, this 22-year old company brings exceptional credentials to the table: 22 years of exposure to the industry Global presence – catering to diverse profiles Clientele boasting of top names including Kellogg’s, Mondelez International, L'OrĂ©al Paris, Meiji, and Colgate among others Access to the latest technologies – ensuring success across a wide range of materials (employed for brand promotions) Infallible brand compliance Commitment to Sustainability  Pramara Promotions: Crafting Enduring Corporate Identity Since Decades With Pramara by your side, expect to unlock the true po...

Understanding The Manufacturing Process For Best Quality Toys

Toys have emerged as a major inclusion in the world of merchandising. And, this is exactly the reason why we’re diving into details of toy manufacturing. Are you into promotional merchandising? Are you joining the bandwagon soon? If yes, then you must prioritize the “quality” of toys that you’re deploying for promotional merchandising. The best toy companies out there are acquainted with the manufacturing processes. They usually dedicate years to get a hang of things just so that they can identify the glitches in the manufacturing process that impact the quality of the end product – and eventually discard the same.  The “Why” and “How” of Toy Manufacturing  Now, two of the commonest procedures deployed for manufacturing plastic toys are injectional moulding and rotational moulding. The figurines are primarily crafted from plastic. Injection moulding employs a hot melted liquid plastic squeezed under pressure to form a figurine. Notably, injection moulds are preferre...